Certificate of MR Excellence

The ESMRMB Certificate of MR Excellence honours physicians and scientists who have significantly contributed to education or clinical or basic science within the field of MR.

Three categories of certificate may be awarded:

  • Clinical Certificate of MR Excellence
  • Basic Science Certificate of MR Excellence
  • Educational Certificate of MR Excellence

Members may be awarded a Certificate of MR Excellence if they fulfil all of the following criteria:

Completed Training
Candidates must have completed medical speciality training (board certification) /scientific training (PhD) at least 5 years ago.

ESMRMB Membership
Candidates must be an ESMRMB member in good standing in the year of application and have been a member in the preceding year.

Clinical Certificate of MR Excellence and Basic Science Certificate of MR Excellence
Candidates must have published at least ten MR related articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, of which the candidate was a first or last author for at least five of these publications.

Educational Certificate of MR Excellence
Candidates must have given at least five MR related educational presentations at international conferences, courses or workshops.  

Candidates must provide a signed letter of recommendation from an ESMRMB member in support of their application.


To be considered for an MR Certificate of Excellence please complete this Application Form and return it with the necessary supporting documents to the ESMRMB office.

Supporting documents:

  • CV (including details of publications or presentations to meet the relevant certificate criteria)
  • Copy of Diploma
  • Signed recommendation letter from an ESMRMB member

An administration fee of €20 is requested in the case of accepted applications.


Completed applications with all relevant supporting documents will be considered by the ESMRMB Membership Officer in conjunction with the ESMRMB Nomination and Awards Committee.

The decision of the Membership Officer and Nomination and Awards Committee will be formally approved by the ESMRMB Executive Board.

Applicants will be informed of the decision via email within four weeks of application. Successful applicants will be requested to pay an administration fee of €20.00 and will receive a certificate by post.

The names of recipients of the MR Certificate of Excellence will be added to the ESMRMB website and published in society communications (e.g social media and membership newsletters).

Honoured Members

The following people have been honoured by the ESMRMB with a Certificate of MR Excellence:

Prof. Carles Arús, Barcelona/ES
Prof. Ahmet Muhtesem Agildere, Ankara/TR
Prof Dr. Bernard Van Beers, Paris/FR
Dr. Christian Ziener, Heidelberg/DE
Dr. Daphne J. Theodorou, Ioannina/GR
Dr. Stavroula J. Theodorou, Ioannina/GR
Dr. Benjamin Henninger, Innsbruck/AT