Online Educational Video Library

Welcome to the ESMRMB Online Educational Video Library!

This library contains ESMRMB Webinars and other recorded material such as ESMRMB Education courses and recorded Congress lectures. Content will regularly be added.

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More freely available videos (i.e. MRI together,…) can be watched on ESMRMB Youtube Channel.

 - Moderators: Tony Stoecker – Benedikt Poser UHF MR at and beyond 7T – The AROMA projectModerators: Tony Stoecker – Benedikt Poser
 - - Let’s get (MRI) together!-
 - Moderator: Xavier Golay – Eva Scheurer Medical Device RegulationModerator: Xavier Golay – Eva Scheurer
 - Penny Gowland Mansfield Lecture: Different fields for different goals: what is next?Penny Gowland
 - Yuki Mori Neurofluids – Imaging neurofluids in animal modelsYuki Mori
 - Lydiane Hirschler Neurofluids – Imaging neurofluids in humansLydiane Hirschler
 - Luis Martí-Bonmati From large datasets to physiological insights – Form MR data to predictionsLuis Martí-Bonmati
 - Arno Villringer From large dataset to physiological insight – Databases on mindbrainbody: Why? How? What was found?Arno Villringer
 - Andrew Zalesky Heterogeneous aging in the body – Effects of metabolism and physiologyAndrew Zalesky
 - Liliana Szabo Imaging the dynamic body through longitudinal MRILiliana Szabo
 - Uzma Zahid Impact of body dynamics on brain MRI reliabilityUzma Zahid
 - Antoine Lutti Imaging long term brain changes using MRIAntoine Lutti
 - Michael Stringer Neurofluids – in neurodegenerative and small vesell diseaseMichael Stringer
 - Merel van der Thiel Neurofluids – from a physiological and anatomical perspectiveMerel van der Thiel
 - Adriana Tavares Multimodal Imaging for Theranostics – PET for Drug MonitoringAdriana Tavares
 - Lucia Nichelli Multimodal Imaging for Theranostics – ClinicalCare for Glioma with Edited MRSLucia Nichelli
 - Anneurin Kennerley MRI and metabolomic imaging for drug spatial localization and monitoringAnneurin Kennerley
 - Aikaterini Firsiori Invasive Interventional MR: Intraoperative MRAikaterini Firsiori
 - Jurgen Futterer Invasive Interventional MRI: Needle based interventions for biopsyJurgen Futterer
 - Thomas Kahn Invasive Interventional MRI: Needle based interventions for treatmentsThomas Kahn
 - Cornelius Faber Role of MRI in drug development – How does preclinical MRI contribute to drug development?Cornelius Faber
 - Maria Eugenia Caligiuri Role of MRI in drug development – MR/MR-PET for drug discoveryMaria Eugenia Caligiuri
 - Jeff Bulte Role of MRI In drug development – Repurposing Drugs for Developing CEST MRI TheranosticsJeff Bulte
 - Uli Floegel MRI Theranostics – what is theranostics & what is the role of MRI – Preclinical PerspectivesUli Floegel
 - Milan Hajek MRI Theranostics – what is theranostics and what is the role of MRI – Introduction to MR theranosticMilan Hajek
 - Evgeniya Kirilina Validation and modeling of tissue elemental distributionEvgeniya Kirilina
 - Christoph Birkl Non-MRI methods for validation of qMRIChristoph Birkl
 - Marco Palombo Imaging almost living tissuesMarco Palombo
 - Mihailo Ristic Low-field Opportunities Adaptable MRI technologiesMihailo Ristic
 - Mara Cercignani Low-field Opportunities Emerging applicationsMara Cercignani
 - Bernd Wintersperger Current Cardiac MRI Technique: A Primer for Clinical PracticeBernd Wintersperger
 - Jordi Rimola MR EnterographyJordi Rimola
 - C. Simcock, Ch. Malamateniou Clinical Optimisation in Paediatric and Fetal MRIC. Simcock, Ch. Malamateniou
 -  Joan C. (Kai) Vilanova Prostate MRI Joan C. (Kai) Vilanova
 - Image quality versus scan time at 3T getting the balance right
 - Parallel Transmit MRI opportunities and safety challenges
 - Machine Learning in MR image reconstruction
 - Machine Learning Techniques
 - Arterial Spin Labelling Technical Aspects and Application in Clinical Practice
 - Rapid Musculoskeletal MRI for Improved Efficiency
 - Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown Detection Without the Use of Gd Based Contrast Agents
 - From Research Methodology to Clinical Product
 - Julia Schnabel Current Role of Machine Learning in MRIJulia Schnabel
 - Hardware for Efficient MRI
 - Alexander Radbruch Gadolinium Deposition UpdateAlexander Radbruch
 - Technical Solutions of Gadolinium-free MRI and their Application
 - Laure Fournier Radiomics: Lesion CharacterisationLaure Fournier
 - What is Needed to Get Machine Learning into Clinical Practice