
The preparations for our annual meeting in 2024 are well underway. We have a date, a place to meet, a beautiful banner and, now also, a full website to go with it: https://www.esmrmb2024.org/! Check there for the most up-to-date info!

We also have a congress planning committee that has been working hard to create a meeting that will be a great educational platform, where state-of-the-art trends of our field are shared, and a space to network and interact with European basic scientists (from physicists to biologists), clinicians, radiographers and industrial partners (spanning from pharmaceutical to MR manufacturers).

To achieve this, we put together three exciting Focus Topics, where the cutting edge of MR will be addressed in both Plenary and Educational sessions:

  • “MR Beyond Diagnostics: MR theranostics and intervention”.
  • “MR Beyond Structures: The dynamic body at different scales”
  • “MR Beyond Trends: Fact checking MR”


Additionally, we will have two purely Educational Tracks:

  • “From Hardware to Map” – directed to physicist and engineers
  • “From MR basics to Safety and Protocol Optimisation” – directed to clinicians and radiographers


Finally, as we sit together in this European space, that shares both regulations, funding and so many collaboration opportunities we will have a set of European Centred Sessions on: Medical Device Regulations, European Grant Opportunities and Consortia Initiated Symposia.

And that is without mentioning 3 satellite Pre-Congress meetings: 

  • 9th ESMRMB – Gadolinium Research and Education Committee Meeting
  • Preclinical MRI: A field in motion
  • Leaps in Microstructure Imaging: Exploring New Horizons 


While we can put together many interesting sessions for you, it is you who can make this congress a success! 

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your science (see abstract submission) in Barcelona and have your input in the various round table and social spaces that will bring together this European MR community to continue pushing the boundaries and relevance of MR!


CPC Chair: Dr José Marques, PhD, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
LOC Chair: Prof Dr Kai Vilanova, MD/PhD, University of Girona, Spain
ESMRMB President: Prof. Edwin Oei, MD/PhD, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands