
ESMRMB offers a variety of different education programmes

Current ESMRMB Educational Programme

MR Safety Course: Reshape Your Skills – CANCELLED

JANUARY 15-18, 2025 | Bolzano/IT

The course aims to promote multidisciplinary collaboration in MRI safety practice, as we are convinced that this is the key to improvement.
Therefore, we strongly suggest the participation of 3 persons from different professional profiles per facility. To encourage this, the registration fee for the second and, in particular, the third participant from the same facility has been significantly reduced.
According to the multidisciplinary philosophy, the speakers and tutors will be from different professional backgrounds. In addition, there will be a substantial practical part to practice different aspects of MRI safety.
And, of course, some social activity, as a welcome party and a private visit to the 5400 years old mummy “Ötzi” guided by our colleagues in charge of its conservation.
For those staying until Sunday, an optional half-day easy trekking tour can be organized, to get a taste of the stunning mountain surroundings.
Looking forward to see you all in Bolzano!

Nadia & Carlo

Course Content:

The course will provide a systematic overview of the risks connected to superconductive clinical MR systems. It will cover both patient safety and personnel safety. The potential hazards related to the 3 different electromagnetic fields used in MR (the static magnetic field, the switched gradient field and RF field) will be presented and experienced in practical sessions. Another important aspect are the standards of MR Safety and compatibility testing in active as well as non-active implants, with a focus on a training in clinical strategies how to handle implant safety issues in the MR environment, enhance patients’ safety and improve the MR workflow in daily routine. Special aspects such as cardio-vascular implants and MR Safety issues in interventional MR will be presented, too. The most recent developments and risks regarding MR contrast agents will be covered. Additionally, an introduction to risk management in clinical MR facilities will be given. Furthermore, the aspect of MRI sustainability will be explored.

The course will provide a combination of lectures and practical training sessions in smaller groups.

Additional MR Safety online pre-course (ESOR):

This course offers a foundational introduction to the topic of MRI Safety and is intended for young radiologists as well as seasoned colleagues wanting to refresh the basics.
Three experts will each share their knowledge in a 40-minute presentation, followed by a short interactive Q&A session.
The best thing is, this course is available for free to all radiologists and radiographers. Please find more details and the link to the online course HERE.
Renowned European experts ensure a high quality-teaching programme combining theory and case presentations with an interactive character.

The course was developed in collaboration with the ESOR and is a perfect preparation ahead of the MR Safety Course taking place in Bolzano.

Course Organisers

Nadia Oberhofer, Bolzano/IT & Carlo Quattrocchi, Torino/IT

Preliminary Programme

Day 1 – Jan. 15
08:00 Registration  
08:30 Introduction to the course – get to know each other N. Oberhofer & C. Quattrocchi
09:00 B0 safety issues and ferromagnetic detectors M. Keen
09:45 B0 and implantable devices U. Zanovello
10:30 Coffee Break  
11:00 RF related safety issues M. Bonatti
12:00 RF heating and implantable devices G. Schäfers
13:00 Lunch Break  
14:00 MR site planning: what works and what should be avoided N. Oberhofer
14:45 MR shielding (static & RF): a glance behind TBA – Speaker from IMEDCO
15:30 Coffee Break  
16:00 – 18:30 Hands on n.1a: magnetic field and ferromagnetic detectors representatives from companies
16:00 – 18:30 Hands on n.1b: tipps and tricks to reduce RF-heating G. Schäfers
19:00 Welcome Reception  


Day 2 – Jan. 16
08:00 dB/dt related safety issues TBA
09:00 dB/dt and implantable devices TBA – speaker from a company with simulation software
10:00 Coffee Break  
10:30 RF induced patient heating: what do manufacturer offer to avoid hot spots? TBA – manufacturer representatives
11:30 dB/dt induced peripherical nerve stimulation (PNS): what do manufacturer offer to reduce PNS? TBA – manufacturer representatives
12:30 Lunch Break  
13:30 Contrast agents – state of the art C. Quattrocchi
14:15 The environmental burden of MRI (Gd, He, energy,…) A. Rovira
15:00 Coffee Break  
15:15 – 17:15 Hands on n.2a: SAR-safety in practice TBA
15:15 – 17:15 Hands on n.2b: tipps and tricks to evaluate dB/dt D. Trevisan


Day 3 – Jan. 17
08:00 Clinical workflow optimization for MR safety MR Team Bolzano
09:00 Risk management in MR environment TBA
10:00 Coffee Break  
10:30 MR accidents review – lessons learned Representative from INAIL, C. Quattrocchi, MD
11:30 Case study: decisions in case of incomplete information TBA
12:30 Lunch Break  
13:30 Hands on n.3: protocol adaptation TBA – Product Specialists
15:30 Coffee Break  
16:00 – 17:30 Hands on: examples of SAR and dB/dt handling by vendors Siemens, Philips, GE
18:00 Private guided visit to Ötzi-Museum  


Day 4 – Jan. 18
08:00 Hands on: practical MR safety (in groups): safety walk, emergency, critical situation simulation M. Bonatti, D. Trevisan, Bolzano MR team and others
11:00 Briefing N. Oberhofer, C. Quattrocchi
11:30 – 12:30 Final Exam  
13:30 – 17:00 Optional social activity: Easy trekking tour to a nearby panoramic site (Renon)  


Registration Fees

  Early bird until December 10th Late fee from December 10th
1st participant 600.00 € 730.00 €
2nd participant same institution 480.00 € 610.00 €
3rd participant same institution 250.00 € 360.00 €

To encourage the participation of multiple people of different professional profiles from the same facility, the registration fee for the 2nd and 3rd person has been reduced. However, the online registration platform can handle only individual registrations. For bundle registration from the same facility, kindly contact the course secretary directly   +39 320 805 6286.

For individual registration click HERE

For further information regarding registration please contact Katia Lanza    +39 320 805 6286.

For any other inquiries please contact either Nadia Oberhofer

Local Info

Please find some information about Bolzano here.

Lectures on MR 2025 Programme

RF coils: Design, build and characterise your own

London/UK – September 16-19, 2025

School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King’s College London

Course Chairs: Özlem Ipek (King’s College London), Andrew Webb (University Medical Center Leiden)

Hands On MRI 2025 Programme